*Morningstar rates funds from 1 to 5 stars (5 Star/Best - 1 Star/Worst). There are 244 funds in this multi-alternative category YTD. 10 Year Performance: 12/31/12-12/31/22. The Morningstar Rating is a measure of a fund's risk-adjusted return, relative to similar funds. Funds are rated from 1 to 5 stars, with the best performers receiving 5 stars and the worst performers receiving a single star. This concept is the basis for how Morningstar adjusts for risk.
Risk-Return Time Period: 11/30/2003 - 12/31/2022. Benchmarks: US Fund Multialternative & HFRX Event-Driven Index. Sources: Morningstar Direct & Hedge Fund Research Inc.
You cannot invest directly in an index. Accordingly, performance results for investment indexes do not reflect the deduction of transaction and/or custodial charges or the deduction of an investment-management fee, the incurrence of which would have the effect of decreasing historical performance results.
Benchmarks - US Fund Multialternative: These funds offer investors exposure to several different alternative investment tactics. Funds in this category have a majority of their assets exposed to alternative strategies. An investor’s exposure to different tactics may change slightly over time in response to market movements. Funds in this category include both funds with static allocations to alternative strategies and funds tactically allocating among alternative strategies and asset classes. The gross short exposure is greater than 20%. HFRX Event Driven Index is Event Driven Managers maintain positions in companies currently or prospectively involved in corporate transactions of a wide variety including but not limited to mergers, restructurings, financial distress, tender offers, shareholder buybacks, debt exchanges, security issuance or other capital structure adjustments. Security types can range from most senior in the capital structure to most junior or subordinated, and frequently involve additional derivative securities. Event Driven exposure includes a combination of sensitivities to equity markets, credit markets and idiosyncratic, company specific developments. Investment theses are typically predicated on fundamental characteristics (as opposed to quantitative), with the realization of the thesis predicated on a specific development exogenous to the existing capital structure. Hedge Fund Research, Inc. (HFR) utilizes a UCITSIII compliant methodology to construct the HFRX Hedge Fund Indices. The methodology is based on defined and predetermined rules and objective criteria to select and rebalance components to maximize representation of the Hedge Fund Universe. HFRX Indices utilize state-of-the-art quantitative techniques and analysis; multi-level screening, cluster analysis, Monte-Carlo simulations and optimization techniques ensure that each Index is a pure representation of its corresponding investment focus.
Return - Expressed in percentage terms, Morningstar's calculation of total return is determined each month by taking the change in monthly net asset value, reinvesting all income and capital-gains distributions during that month, and dividing by the starting NAV. Reinvestments are made using the actual reinvestment NAV, and daily payoffs are reinvested monthly. Unless otherwise noted, Morningstar does not adjust total returns for sales charges (such as front-end loads, deferred loads and redemption fees), preferring to give a clearer picture of a fund's performance. The total returns do account for management, administrative, 12b-1 fees and other costs taken out of fund assets. Total returns for periods longer than one year are expressed in terms of compounded average annual returns (also known as geometric total returns), affording a more meaningful picture of fund performance than non-annualized figures.
Standard Deviation - A statistical measurement of dispersion about an average, which, for a mutual fund, depicts how widely the returns varied over a certain period of time. Investors use the standard deviation of historical performance to try to predict the range of returns that are most likely for a given fund. When a fund has a high standard deviation, the predicted range of performance is wide, implying greater volatility. Standard deviation is most appropriate for measuring risk if it is for a fund that is an investor's only holding. The figure can not be combined for more than one fund because the standard deviation for a portfolio of multiple funds is a function of not only the individual standard deviations, but also of the degree of correlation among the funds' returns. If a fund's returns follow a normal distribution, then approximately 68 percent of the time they will fall within one standard deviation of the mean return for the fund, and 95 percent of the time within two standard deviations. Morningstar computes standard deviation using the trailing monthly total returns for the appropriate time period. All of the monthly standard deviations are then annualized.
Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of the Camelot Event Drive Fund. This and other important information about the fund is contained in the prospectus, which can be obtained by calling 1-800-869-1679. The prospectus should be read carefully before investing.
Mutual Fund investing involves risk. Such risks associated with the Camelot Event Driven Fund include but is not limited to Merger Arbitrage Risk, Capital Structure Arbitrage Risk, Distressed Securities Risk, Debt Instruments Risk, Interest Rate Risk, Structured Note Investment Risk, Proxy Fight Risk, Short Selling Risk, Management Risk, Foreign Securities Risk, Derivative Investments Risks (Including Futures, Options, and Swaps), Counter Party Risk, Special Situations Risk, Initial Public Offering ("IPO") Risk, Liquidity Risk, Limited History of Operations Risk, and Portfolio Turn Over Risk.
The Camelot Event Driven Fund is Distributed by Arbor Court Capital, LLC member FINRA/SPIC.